I write with,
or close to
the body,
into spaces of
I am holding Ruth Wilson Gilmore’s question out to you as I write:
“Who works and what works, for whom and to what end?”
My work is to find and forge connections — with others and between worlds, forms, disciplines and commitments — and to make clear the things that interrupt this connection. Sometimes I write about the work and lives of others, and when I do I try to write away from critique or distanced analysis, preferring to write closer; towards embodied connection with the atmosphere and processes between me, the work and the people that make it.
I hold close forms and styles of writing that invite affinity and reciprocity but do not foreclose the possibility of dissent. My writing takes shape through voice notes, somatic reflection, assemblage, letters, institutional dramaturgy (narrating as a witness to organisational choreographies) and conversation with others. Carrying an ongoing interest in the revelatory possibilities of the epistolary, I use it sometimes as a diary form. I sometimes use letters or reflective modes of address to express a desire for different forms of attachment and to invite proximity in containers which usually require detached objectivity or knowing adulation.
Because I am interested in how we find words through the receipt of the ones we offer, my writing is never original, always unfinished and replete with the traces of where and who I have been. It is raw because it wears the grazes of wanting to be known, of coming to know, and of knowing.
I find writing hard,
As I find knowing hard.
I write with failure —
I refuse not knowing.
Selected Writing
Pray for a life without plot, a day without narrative:
Notes on Moving Bodies, Moving images
Whitechapel Read
Permitted to Dream: Reflections on the Brent Biennial 2022
On Art and Friendship: Expanding What Relation Can Be
This text builds on conversations in this podcast: Hear, Now. Episode 13: Artists' Film International 2021: Care Read / Listen
This text builds on conversations in this podcast: Hear, Now. Episode 13: Artists' Film International 2021: Care Read / Listen
Mothering, family, abolition
M/othering for Liberation: A Declaration of Independence
SEEN Issue 002, Spring 2021
I do not want what I haven’t got: For Sinead O Connor and anyone who has wanted to die SubstackRead
What do we want from each other after we have told our stories?
The Desire to write about George Green
A Letter to Onyeka Igwe responding to The Miracle on George Green
Open City Documentary Festival Read
Here to stay Here to fight
an essay on Adam Lewis Jacob’s exhibition Idrish (ইদ্রিস)
Programme Notes on Ashim Ahluwalia’s John & JaneBatalha Centro de Cinema
Programme Notes on the films of Paula Tomás Marques
Batalha Centro de Cinema Read
Programme Notes on Silverlake Life: The View from Here
Batalha Centro de Cinema
Programme Notes on Luísa Homem and Pedro Pinho’s Trading Cities
Batalha Centro de Cinema
DVD liner notes On Josephine Decker’s first two features Butter on the Latch & Thou Wast Mild and Lovely Oscilloscope
Further readings on Linktree