On another day, I might ask students to ponder what we want to make happen in the class, to name what we hope to know, what might be most useful. I ask them what standpoint is a personal experience. Then there are times when personal experience keeps us from reaching the mountaintop and so we let it go because the weight of it is too heavy. And sometimes the mountaintop is difficult to reach with all our resources, factual and confessional, so we are just there collectively grasping, feeling the limitations of knowledge, longing together, yearning for a way to reach that highest point. Even this yearning is a way to know.
— Bell Hooks
Taped inside the top drawer of my desk is a small scrap of paper with three words scrawled across it: “Love, Study, Struggle.” It serves as a daily reminder of what I am supposed to be doing.
— Robin D. G. Kelley
I work as a lecturer and also a facilitator of creative workshops and spaces of independent study.
I have worked as an Associate lecturer at London School of Communications on their Film and Screen Studies course, and I have planned and led sessions on film programming, developing screen programmes and festivals at Westminster, University of the Arts, Kingston School of Art and TURF projects amongst others. I have also worked with BA filmmaking students at Kingston School of Art helping to develop their projects through group and one to one tutorials to consider their practices through the lens of documentary ethics , marking and assessing work and providing pastoral support.
At Central School of Speech and Drama I led MA Creative Producing students through their independent research projects, designing and teaching a course on methods and methodology and taught on the BA Experimental Performance course, supporting students towards their final projects. At Chelsea School of Art for the MA Curating students. I developed a 6 week course on ambivalence, embodiment and desire in curatorial practice called ‘I want everything for everyone and I want to be wanted’.
I have guest lectured on my practice at many institutions including University of Sheffield, University of Leeds, St Andrews and SOAS.
Beyond formal spaces of learning, I seek spaces of study, practice and learning where the relational, spiritual and sensorial are valued. During the nationwide lockdown in 2020, I held a 9 month long weekly Teach-In drawing on themes and texts from my work and to share the experience of these life altering months.
Re_ Searching + Researching Dreaming New Ways Through Sharing Learningwith Jemma Desai & Zain Dada
(Un)learning for Liberationwith Joshua Virasami; Dylan Rodríguez; Sonya Childress; Asher Gamedze;
Thenmozhi Soundararajan; Kelsey Mohamed; Camille Barton;
Aditi Jaganathan
Stance Podcast
The Undercommons:
Fugitive Planning & Black Study Read
Ungrading: An FAQRead
Ground provisions Read
Dear Science and Other StoriesRead
Teaching to TransgressRead
Black Study, Black Struggle Read
Research Is CeremonyRead
Decolonizing Non-Violent CommunicationRead