
Yearning as Method: Notes on programming Latifah and Himli’s Nomadic Uncle (2023)

I watch films and attend to the conditions that allow them to appear and circulate, how, where, and to whom.

I am drawn to film programming as a medium through which relation might be practiced, and as a performative space with the potential of reciprocity between the maker, the offering hand and the receiving audience. I am less interested in it as a curatorial space of spectacle, display or education.  

There is deep ambivalence in my attachment to programming work (I have thought of myself as a ‘recovering’ programmer and I have been called a ‘post-curator’ ).  I often wonder if I have chosen the wrong form for my desires. 
I wonder if film screening, with its focus on the singular work or maker can only ever be the ruse if the aim is horizontal, meaningful connection.

In recent years, attending to the how of showing films — as Ruth Wilson Gilmore would have it “Why this? Why this, here? Why this, here, now?” — has preoccupied me more than researching what films should or could be shown. This has meant films and programmes have rarely been assembled at all.

I want this space of absence to be known as a space of desire.  

As I have followed the connections led by why rather than what, I have become aware that my love for film, cinema spaces and curatorial work has atrophied through this attentiveness.  I am interested in finding out — in the company of others who are equally attentive to  the asymmetric power relations that govern film circulation —  what new love might grow in the gap that the old love resided in. 

You can read and watch more about my thoughts on this here and here

My watching emerges from many years of institutional work, my previous desire for inclusion into elite spaces, the contradictory forces of my ambivalence towards and need for recognition of my work, and experiences of  relational disappointment wrought by the psychosocial limitations of most spaces of moving image circulation and gathering. 

Previously I was a film programmer for 10 years in festivals and cinema exhibition and programmed independent film events through a screening series before that. 

In 2021 I was Head of Programming at Berwick Film and Media Arts Festival and was the Co Chair of LUX between 2017-2022. 

I am currently Chair of the Feature Film Programming Committee at Blackstar Film Festival in Philadelphia, Experience Fellow at BAM in Brooklyn New York, and  Programmer in Residence at the Flaherty Seminar. 

Other collaborations are United Screens and A Circle Of Protection, a film collective with Samia Labidi, Abhishek Nilamber and Viknesh Kobinathan committed to spaces of gathering, offering and support.

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Notes on Programming Latifah and Himli’s Nomadic Uncle
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Watch / Read

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